The following links are provided to help amateur entomologists of all ages increase their knowledge of insects and provide useful links to specialty areas. More links will be added as we become aware of them.
General Information about insects and how to identify them
Visual Key to the invertebrates - a very helpful and easy key to use to help you identify insects and invertebrates to Order developed by CSIRO.
Lucid Keys to Insect Orders -
Online version - Key to Insect Orders (http://keys.lucidcentral.org/key-server/player.jsp?keyId=1)
What Bug Is That? The Guide to Australian Insect Families - A visual resource to help identify insects. An overview and description of each insect order are presented with photos. More in-depth information is included to identify insects to the family level.
Brisbane insects - a great photo guide with information about a variety of insects in Brisbane and southeast Queensland
Discover Life -- Insect orders identification - Visual keys are used to help identify insects to order. Each order has detailed information, photos and links.
Museum of Victoria Infosheets - descriptive fact sheets on specific species and types of insects
Museum of Victoria Bug Page - comprehensive information on a variety of insect topics including: diversity, adaptations, food chains, beneficial insects
Queensland Museum Insect Information - Information about identifying, collecting, preserving and keeping live insects
Insects of Tasmania - a website set up specifically with photos of insects from Tasmania
Natural History Museum of London - interesting articles and videos about a variety of common insects
Other non-insect groups:
Centipedes and Millipedes - information about these groups from the Australian Museum
Australasian Arachnology Society - a site all about the different groups of arachnids of Australasia
Spiders of Southern Queensland - a site with lots of information and photos about spiders.
Arachne.org.au - This site is a working draft for a field guide to Australian (and possibly New Zealand) spiders due to be published in 2024.
Insect Pest Information
A-Z Insect Pest list for Queensland and Northern NSW from the Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Bugs for Bugs - primarily aimed at farmers and horticulturalists; provides information on integrated pest management and biological control.
The Beat Sheet - The Beat Sheet blog is a website about insect pest management issues relevant to Australia’s northern grain region of Queensland and northern New South Wales. The blog provides technical information, pest risk alerts, and practical management information about a range of insect pests that have the potential to significantly reduce productivity and profits for the industry
Managing Pest insects in Field crops - information about Integrated Pest Management in Queensland and NSW
Insect Photos
Brisbane Insects and Spiders - a collection of insect information and photos from the Brisbane area presented by the enthusiastic Chew family.
Insect Photos This page contains photographs of medically important arthropods
Close-up images of many insects including many species of ants, bees, beetles, and butterflies.
Insect Images: The Source for Entomology Photos
Other useful sites: Wikimedia commons or Flickr
Higher level information on specific topics
Plant Biosecurity Toolbox - The Plant Biosecurity Toolbox (PBT) provides detailed, web-based diagnostic information to assist with the rapid identification of exotic plant pests and diseases in the event of an incursion. The comprehensive resources of the toolbox include: Information on biology and taxonomy of the pest, Diagnostic morphological, biochemical and molecular tests, and Images of the pest, host symptoms and damage.
Ants Down Under - information all about ants from the CSIRO
Dung Beetles Australia - primarily aimed at pastoralists, but provides detailed information about dung beetles and how they are useful in agriculture.
Decomposition - This graphic site describes the processes of decomposition including information on the insects that aid decomposition and how they can be used in forensic evidence.